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Dr. Vishal Sureka, M.D. (Ayu), PhD (Scholar), is an Ayurvedic practitioner at Shree Vishwaprakriti Ayurveda Superspeciality Clinic and Panchakarma Centre, Nagpur. He is an expert in Nadipariksha and specializes in the treatment of chronic disorders, including Joint and Spine Disorders, Respiratory Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Migraine, Gastroenterological Diseases, Anorectal Diseases, and Lifestyle Disorders such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Diseases, Obesity, Kidney Disorders, Hyperlipidemia, Thyroid Disorders, Autoimmune Diseases, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

With a comprehensive understanding of Ayurvedic principles, he focuses on holistic approaches to wellness and well-being, addressing the underlying causes of ailments along with the symptoms. Furthermore, his expertise includes a multi-dimensional approach that enhances physical, mental, and emotional aspects to achieve optimal health and balance for his patients. Dr. Vishal’s approach prioritizes wellness and well-being, integrating Ayurvedic principles to promote mental and emotional harmony alongside physical health for his patients.

Dr. Vishal has participated in several national and international seminars, presented papers, and chaired sessions. He has made a notable impact on Kerala Ayurvedic treatments with his effective treatments and esteemed presence at various Ayurveda conferences.

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Dr. Vishal Sureka

M.D. (Ayu)

PhD (Scholar)


Expertise: Nadipariksha and specialized in the treatment of chronic disorders like joint and spine disorders, Respiratory disorders, Neurological disorders, Migraine, Gastroenterological diseases, Anorectal diseases, Lifestyle disorders, diabetes, hypertension, heart-diseases, obesity, kidney disorders, hyper-lipidemia, thyroid disorders, Autoimmune diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Dr. Sujata Laddha- Sureka, M.D. (Ayu), PhD (Scholar), is an Ayurvedic practitioner, practicing in Nagpur & Khamgaon. She is an expert in Nadipariksha, Prakriti Pariksha, Panchakarma, Infertility, Menstrual problems, Urinary disorders, PCOD, Obesity, Thyroid problems, and other Gynecological disorders and Pediatrics. Patients have also experienced great results in skin disorders like Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Urticaria, and many more. She is also specialized in treating Hair Diseases like Hair fall, Alopecia, Dandruff, and Scalp Psoriasis. Dr. Sujata also treats chronic Allergies, Asthma, Vata Disorders (Joint Pain), and chronic Digestive problems.

She conducts Panchakarma, Beej Shuddhi for healthy pregnancy, Garbha-sanskar (Pregnancy care for healthy offspring), and Suvarna-prashan sanskar (Ayurvedic immunization). She also leads a Child Health Care Programme aimed at improving Memory, IQ, and Immunity at Shree Vishwaprakriti Ayurveda Superspeciality Clinic and Panchakarma Centre, Nagpur.

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Dr. Sujata Laddha-Sureka

M.D. (Ayu)

PhD (Scholar)

Expertise: Nadipariksha, Prakriti Pariksha, and Panchakarma, she addresses a wide range of health issues including infertility, menstrual disorders, urinary disorders, PCOD, obesity, thyroid conditions, and other gynecological concerns

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